A test of faith. Please pray for my tree.
They prayed to their protectors, ancestors, and the natural forces that impacted them every day, such as the sun, moon, and weather gods.
Featuring the writing of Buzz Anderson
They prayed to their protectors, ancestors, and the natural forces that impacted them every day, such as the sun, moon, and weather gods.
About three blocks down the coast from my house sits Villa Maria Del Mar, a stately three-story wooden hotel first built in the 1890s to accommodate mostly Catholic vacationers…
This, in a roundabout way, brings me to a local issue regarding the renaming of Cabrillo College
Have you visited the Scotts Valley Library lately?…
You can write anything you want and be assured very few people will actually read it.…
While writing and rewriting some poems recently, I realized I never wrote a poem about the Ohlone people that inhabit my novel. In so many ways, I want to pay tribute to them and yet not speak for them. It’s not for me to define their worldview, I can only attempt to pass on a few things that I’ve learned in studying their culture, of which so little is actually known. The following is a modest attempt to capture a small part of their consciousness. Perhaps it also speaks to some current thoughts in our lives today.…
A while back, I compiled some of my poetry and had Community Printers in Santa Cruz print up two hundred copies, which I distributed to family and friends. I did three readings and maybe sold a half dozen books. All in all, a great experience. I have continued to write poems, but not at a great pace since most of my literary time has been spent on my novel. I recall writing and gifting one particular poem to a friend on her birthday. She made the comment that my poems are “accessible.”…
This blog has nothing to do with my novel, Five Hundred Moons. (Did I hear some sighs of relief?) No, it’s about my son and his friends and an adventure in Lombok Strait—2003. An experience they would just as soon forget.…
At 5:00 AM, Jennie and I threw our human necessities into the Toyota. Destination: New Friends, Books, and BBQ – The Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas, home of my first and only editor, a person I’d never actually met.…
Recently, I noticed a large mushroom cloud over the Gabilan Mountain Range, east of Salinas. Like most news junkies these days, I went online to investigate.…